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Ways to engage, connect, and serve!

​Mid-week Scripture Study: 

All are invited.  Wednesday evenings at 6 pm in the Fellowship Hall

Other Bible Studies & Zoom Studies:

Varied studies offered throughout the year

Walking in the Way:

New Believers Class/Discipleship Class w/ the Pastoral team offered at various times throughout the year

Lay Leadership:  

Character building and leadership classes are offered at various times throughout the year, equipping God’s people for the work of ministry

Membership  Classes: 

Classes offered at various times throughout the year

Men’s Ministry:

Men’s Breakfast:  All men invited. 2nd Saturday of every month @ 7:00 am. Breakfast and devotional.    
Tuesday nights:  Men’s Group and Bible Study @ 6pm

Throughout the year, men of action help those in need with hands on projects and prayer.

Women’s Ministry:

Women’s  Breakfast:  All women are invited. 3rd Saturday of every month @ 9:00 am Breakfast and devotional.     Tuesday nights: In-home women’s bible study.  Other outings and outreaches throughout the year such as gentle hikes together and meal trains for those in need.  Join us on this Facebook page:  “Newport, VT COG Women's Ministry Page”

Sunday School Kids Zone: 

Under the direction of our capable teachers, children interact and learn together during Sunday morning service.


Available for families with infants, with tv broadcasting the service.

Children’s Choir:

Children of all ages are encouraged to join the choir.

Kingdom Knitters:

Knitters, join in on knitting beautiful prayer shawls to give to those in need.

COG Food Pantry:

Year round pantry, to help feed those in need in our community.   Donations & non-perishables are always welcomed!

Project Matthew 25:40: 

Hands-on community outreaches and work projects that are touching lives with the power of the love of God.  Ministry that provides for various needs in the community to show the love of God ,as well as minister to the whole person. 

Hospice House Committee: 

Join in on the vision to build a Hospice House here on property!


Physical Address: 

295 Crawford Road

Derby, Vermont, 05829


Tel: 802.334.5916

Mailing Address:  PO Box 245, Newport, Vermont 05855



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